Friday, 21 November 2014

Children in Need cake sale

Thank you to everyone who donated cakes for our cake sale in aid of Children in Need! 
Children from the school council set up and ran the cake sale at playtime on Friday; it was a great success; we raised over £125 and with cakes left over to sell next week we are sure that this total will rise! 

Stars of the week!

A big well done to all of the stars of the week this week. Everyone is working hard and it has been great to see so many children producing some excellent work. Keep up the hard work!

Thursday, 20 November 2014

Remembrance Assembly

Years 1-6 took part in a Remembrance Assembly on Monday. They watched a live stream from The Tower of London.  The assembly was a national stream that many schools took part in and came together to remember those that had fought. Thank you to Miss Smith for helping to organise the assembly. 

Stars of the week

Well done to all the children who received a star of the week this week.  You all worked really hard and also look fab in your super hero outfits for Children In Need. 

Wednesday, 5 November 2014

Fireworks safety assembly

Key Stage 2 took part in a firework safety assembly today. Our School Saftey Officers led the assembly and shared some of the rules to remember to make sure that children stay safe during firework displays. The rules they shared included:

1. Only adults should deal with fireworks
2. Watch from a safe distance, preferably from indoors
3. Keep pets away from fireworks, they are often very frightened
4. Never touch a firework, even once it has finished
5. If you are outside, make sure you wear bright clothes so you can easily be seen.
6. If you have a sparkler - Never put it in your pocket
                                        Never pick one up off the floor
                                        Never light more than one at a time
                                        Hold it at arm's length and wear gloves
                                        Put it in a bucket of water when it is finished

Remember - stay safe on Bonfire Night.

Thursday, 23 October 2014

Harvest celebration

Thank you to parents and carers for joining us at our Harvet Celebration Assembly. A lovely variety of food was collected and they are being donated to our local Food Bank. During the assembly, children from Nursery to Year 6 shared what they learnt about harvest time and how important it is to say thank you for our food. We also want to say a big thank you to Gill from St Thomas' for sharing in our assembly. 

Friday, 3 October 2014

Stars of the week!

A big well done to all of the stars of the week this week. Everyone is working hard and it has been great to see so many children producing some excellent work. Keep up the hard work!

Thursday, 25 September 2014

Lego and Computing Club

One after school club that has been very popular has been Lego and Computing. The children have been enjoying using the Lego WeDo sets that allow the children to build lego models and then connect them to the laptop and write short programs to make them move in different ways. 

Well done to one group that created a drumming monkey!!

Tuesday, 9 September 2014

Mad Science Assembly

The children had a fab time as the Mad Science team delivered an assembly to the whole school today. The children were 'wowed' with science tricks and even got to take part in the experiments themselves.

Sunday, 22 June 2014

Sports day

We are hoping that this lovely weather continues for the coming week so that we can have our Sports days on Tuesday!

The children need to wear a coloured t-shirt to represent their house and have sensible pumps or trainers to compete in the races. If it is hot weather please ensure that children have sun cream applied at home or a labelled bottle so that they can apply it themselves.  School have purchased a hat for every child in the colour of their team.

Sports day will make huge changes to the house points totals...I wonder which team will be victorious?! Photographs to follow!