Monday, 21 March 2016

Stars of the Week

Congratulations to our Foundation Stage and Key Stage 1 Stars of the Week. You have all worked so hard.

Headteacher's Award Winners

Congratulations to Amy, William, Ellis, Stasio & Maisie. You are this weeks winners of Mrs Webb's Headteacher Award!

Friday, 4 March 2016

Headteachers Award Winners

Congratulations to Cameron, Stephanie, Cherrie & Dawid. Mrs Webb has noticed how hard you have all been working this week! Well done!

Courtesy Cup Winner

A big congratulations to Ethan for winning this weeks Courtesy Cup.

Star of the Week

A huge well done to all of our Foundation Stage and Key Stage 1 Star of the Week Winners. We are very proud of all of the hard work you have been doing this week!