All children in Year 1, Year 4 and Year 5 enjoyed reading time with their playground buddies. The children shared their favourite books and Year 1 enjoyed being read to by Year 4 and 5s.
Throughout the school, the children toook part in Safer Internet Day activities. In year 5, they created human letters to help the other children remember about SID 2017.
We welcomed PCSO Eric Harwood to our school again this week to share with the whole school about stranger danger. He helped the children to think about who a stranger is, and how we can keep ourselves safe from these people.
Today Police Liaison Officer Sarah, came in to speak to key stage 1 and 2 about Hate Crime. The children listened very carefully and worked so well in small groups to give their potato a story. Sarah then showed us how all of the potatoes were the same. We are going to follow up these ideas back in class during the next half term.